Start of courses/orientation events

Courses generally begin each semester in the first week of lectures. Orientation courses are to be scheduled in the last week of the lecture-free period. The Presidential Board is working on a solution to harmonize the orientation courses of all subjects.

Organization of courses

Courses with more than 2 participants must be held. Courses with 2 or fewer participants can be cancelled, unless they are compulsory courses. Compulsory courses must be held if there is at least 1 participant. Courses that do not take place must be reported to the Dean's Office and offered again in a later semester within three years.

Module exams

The examinations in the modularized degree courses require some additional administrative work. You can find information on the regulations of the Central Examination Office for Teacher Training Programs here.

Fulfillment of teaching duties

At the end of each semester, the Dean's Office is required to ask lecturers about the fulfilment of their teaching obligations. Information on this, an excerpt from the Teaching Duties Regulations and a form for declaring fulfilment can be found here.

Admission numbers

The admission numbers for restricted degree courses at the University of Frankfurt are decided by the Presidential Board. The numbers are published each semester in the UniReport aktuell. You can find them on the internet at the following address:

Binding time slots for practical school studies in the teacher training courses

With the introduction of modularized studies, it has become much more difficult to ensure that teacher training courses (especially L1 courses) can be completed within the standard period of study. Following consultations between the departments, the Office for Practical School Studies, the ZLF and the President's Office, the following time slots have been declared binding for practical school studies:

    Tuesday, 08.00 - 10.00 a.m.

    Wednesday, 08.00 - 10.00 a.m.

    Friday, 12 - 14 and 14 - 16 hrs.

Other courses relevant to the teaching profession in the subjects or basic sciences which (a) must be taken regularly in the 2nd to 5th semester and for which (b) there are no or only a few alternative courses, should not be offered during these times.

Source: ABL - Schulpraktische Studien; please check this page for updates and additions.

Schedule for courses in the L1 degree program

Due to the complex structure of the degree program, the compulsory areas involved in the L1 area have drawn up a course schedule that provides certain time slots for different areas in the L1 degree program. A review of the courses planned (also) for L1 with regard to this schedule helps to reduce overlapping problems. The ABL asks for particular attention to be paid to courses that are only offered once (e.g. introductory lectures) or whose postponement entails greater effort for students (e.g. two-semester courses).

ABL - Information overview / Advice

An overview of the advisory services for students and lecturers on the L degree programs can be found here. There is also information for lecturers.