6. Groundwater Depletion


Data sources for the groundwater depletion manuscript submission in Water Resources Research





Former versions



Here, you can access the source files for the figures (and tables) of the publication

Döll, P., H. Müller Schmied, C. Schuh, F. T. Portmann, and A. Eicker (2014), Global-scale assessment of groundwater depletion and related groundwater abstractions: Combining hydrological modeling with information from well observations and GRACE satellites, Water Resour. Res., 50, doi:10.1002/2014WR015595.

Basically, you find the model output (WaterGAP 2.2a) for global scaled groundwater storage, total water storage, baseflow, groundwater recharge (diffuse and below surface water bodies) and a table where location of grid cell and beloning continental area (e.g. to convert values into km³) is given. In addition, an Excel-File for the diagram of HPA (Figure 2) is accessible.


Model output is given in netCDF format. There are some nice tools to manipulate or convert netCDF (as CDO, Panoply, GrADS). Anyhow, if you struggle with this format, please send a request for a different file format to hannes.mueller.schmied@em.uni-frankfurt.de. In addition, a table with coordinates and area used in WaterGAP is provided in case of the need to convert the units. Source for Figure 2 (HPA) is available as MS Excel document.

More specificly:

Folder "WaterGAP Model output"

First part of the file name represents the model variant (IRR100, IRR100_S, IRR70_S, NOUSE_S, for details see the manuscript), then the variable name and unit is given (Total Water Storages [mm], groundwater storage [mm], Qb (baseflow) [mm], Rg (diffuse groundwater recharge) [mm], Rg_swb (groundwater recharge below surface water bodies) [mm]). File format is a zipped netCDF. The table "lat_lon_cont_area.txt" contains the ArcID (internal grid cell number), coordinates and the continental area which is used for WaterGAP calculations.

Data source for Figure 2 (HPA)

This MS Excel-File contains the data source and calculations for the diagram in Figure 2.


Feel free to use this data. Model output is quality checked and is consistent to our findings. Anyhow, if you consider errors, we are happy if you could report this. Please contact hannes.mueller.schmied@em.uni-frankfurt.de in case of technical problems.

Data download

Alternative URL

WaterGAP Model output and Data source for Figure 2 (HPA) (single files, total of 2.5 GB)


Alternative URL

currently there is no additional documentation except the paper



global scale groundwater depletion, WaterGAP, GRACE, assessment, water use, groundwater recharge

Please cite as

Döll, P., H. Müller Schmied, C. Schuh, F. T. Portmann, and A. Eicker (2014), Global-scale assessment of groundwater depletion and related groundwater abstractions: Combining hydrological modeling with information from well observations and GRACE satellites, Water Resour. Res., 50, doi:10.1002/2014WR015595.


Institute of Physical Geography
Hydrology Group


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Institute of Physical Geography
Goethe University Frankfurt
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